Boxing History: August 13, 1903, James J. Jeffries KO 10 James J. Corbett, San Francisco. Retains World Heavyweight Title.

James Jackson Jeffries (April 15, 1875 – March 3, 1953) was an American professional boxer and former World Heavyweight Champion June 9, 1899–May 13, 1905
He was known for his enormous strength and stamina. Using a technique taught to him by his trainer, former Welterweight and Middleweight Champion Tommy Ryan, Jeffries fought out of a crouch with his left arm extended forward. He was able to absorb tremendous punishment while wearing his opponents down. A natural left-hander, he possessed one-punch knockout power in his left hook.
Jeffries stood 6 ft 1 1/2 in tall and weighed 225 pounds in his prime. He could run 100 yards in just over ten seconds, and could high jump over 6 feet.
Dewitt Van Court, boxing instructor and athletic director of the Los Angeles Athletic Club wrote: “I was with James J. Jeffries when he first started to box. I was with him when he won the Championship. I was with him when he lost it. Besides being the greatest Heavyweight Champion that ever lived, he is today and has been all his life, a man among men, a true friend with a heart as big as his body.”
RARE HISTORIC FOOTAGE – Former Heavyweight Champion James J. Jeffries training for Gus Ruhlin, 1901.