Our debate last week was who would have been better versus each other in their primes. Marvelous Marvin Hagler or Gennedy “GGG” Golovkin. We chose to matchup the 30 year old Hagler versus the Golvkin of today. We felt both of them are in their primes at this point. Surprisingly and overwhelming amount of the feedback we got was that Hagler would have handled Golvkin. Most felt it would have been a good fight but in the end thought that Hagler would close the show in route to a clear decision or late stoppage.
This past Saturday Floyd Mayweathr Jr. defeated Andre Berto to push his unbeaten record to (49-0). Mayweather Jr. insists that he is now officially retired. Many feel that this is a retirement that will be short lived. Let’s assume for one moment that Mayweather Jr. has truly had his last fight. Who would you say has the best chance of being boxing’s next star. Keep in my mind that a star is more than just an unbeaten record. You have to have the total package. Oscar De La Hoya was boxing’s previous superstar. De La Hoya had it all. The looks, extremely popular and he could fight. Mayweather Jr. brought a different element to the table. There was no doubt about his superior talent but he really knew how to play the villain role. He may have had more people buying his pay per view fights hoping to see him lose as to see him win. This worked out to be quite effective as the numbers speak for themselves.
Two fighters that jump out immediately are Golovkin and Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. Golvkin is steadily capturing more and more fans. His ppv numbers for his upcoming fight with David Lemieux will give us more of an accurate assessment of where he is at on the ppv level. Alvarez is younger than Golovkin and already has been a part of a record breaking ppv event. This was set in his lone professional defeat to Floyd Mayweather. He is right back on track with some solid victories since the Mayweather fight. He also packs venues which is not something you see a lot of these days at the top level in boxing.
Please give us your take on who you see as boxing’s next superstar. Remember its more than just a 0 in the loss column. It’s going to be someone that fans would be willing to pay top dollar to watch on ppv. They would also draw well for their fights. Remember there are all different kind of angles that can make up a superstar.